Wednesday, December 22, 2010

At the jewelry store ...

Got to spend time with Pop at his shop.  Chose two stones to bring home.  A garnet and an aquamarine.  Budding jeweler?

Maxi Cards

This is the beginning of a series of cards Max is designing.  He says there will be at least 25, and each card will have a new character that he has created and named.  These first two are Jupiter Junebug and Iceman. Also note his rather cool cursive signature.

New Jedi

"A new picture of a Jedi Knight.  And on the next picture it will show the back of him. I did a line so I knew where the mouth and nose and eyes went.  And first I did my picture in pencil and then I copied it after in pen. Notice the reflections in the boots.  Notice the lines in the clothing. And notice inside the arm sleeves." - Max

Monday, October 18, 2010

Storm Trooper

"Notice the shadow and how I shaded and erased the shading.  How I did it is I traced the outline, but just the outline.  All of the inner details I did on my own.  I got inspired by another picture.  I liked this process.  PS. Notice the laser pointing at you." - Max

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Detailed Flower

Flowers in Bloom

"Notice the tiny pebbles and look at how it's all black ink. I wanted people to see that there were some buds and some flowers." -Max

Forest Picture

"This is a game.  Look for all of the bugs, like: the ladybug, the two beetles, and the spider." -Max

Maxi Native Design

"Notice the tiny details.  You'll get to see the other side of this on my next drawing." - Max

Storm Trooper

"This picture I drew is of a storm trooper in prison who is not wearing a helmet or armor.  Notice how he fired a laser and the Jedi is falling.  Those two lightsabers are the Jedi's lightsabers flying out of his hands.  Notice how the laser is light shaded and the shirt is dark shaded." - Max

Darth Vader

"Notice his foot is pointed towards you and it's all 3-D.  And notice the dark shading." - Max

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Revenge of the Sith: Jet Trooper

"It took me half an hour.  Notice the jet pack, and the foot pointing at you." - Max

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Last Jedi that I am going to draw

And here we have a new version of Anakin Skywalker.  

Star Wars Jedis

"These are pictures I drew of Jedi Knights.  It took three hours for me to do it. They are very detailed, as you can see.  I drew Jedi Knights because I love Star Wars. One of the pictures has the guy's light saber pointing at you.  Notice the Jedi robe arms." 
                                                              - Max, who turned 6 on September 12th.