Thursday, January 20, 2011

Maxi Money

"This bill I did all with little markers.  The portrait is of Max the Jedi. And on the next post I'm going to show you the back."

"The back.  All of the yellow I made with highlighters. On the front and the back."

12 Year Old Girl

"The two pencils I used were a 5H and a 5B."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Newest and Best Jedi

"It took me 76 hours and 13 minutes to make this picture. It's of a Jedi Knight in an Imperial Starship.  I was 6 years old when I did this picture. Notice the shadow under the neck and the fist holding the lightsaber handle, inside of the cloak.  That was still not the hardest part.  The head was the hardest part.  I used all of my pencils.  I have different artist pencils, for an example, 6B." - Max