Thursday, March 3, 2011

Leaps and Bounds in Portraiture

Max has recently been working on his portrait skills.  He's been learning a lot about noses, and the proportions of ears and nostrils.  He thinks a lot about shadows, and movement, and 3-D.  These are his most recent pieces of work.

Alaaka is a female animal in a native tribe.  She has brown fur except around her eyes and head where it is green.  She has no whites in her eyes.

Close up portrait of no one in particular.  Notice the eyes.

A relative of Darth Maul.  

Another anonymous portrait of a person who's hair is blowing in the wind.

We had been studying the art of Fredo, a 17 year old Chilean artist who does incredible work with 3-D and perspective.  Max decided to try his own version - this is of himself drawing a portrait.  Notice the 3-D easel on top of a 3-D table.  Also, the grip of the hand on the pencil.